Opening Hours : : Online Doctor 10AM-10PM & Walk-In Clinic 10AM-7PM (2pm to 3pm break)


Aging at Home

Digital Modern Caregivers

Digital Modern Caregivers
Most caregivers involved with home care services would be inclined to dialogue with other caregivers in an online forum or social networking site, according to a survey. Furthermore, 91% of caregivers would be likely to conduct research after receiving a provider referral by a professional source.

In my opinion, our health care system has failed when a doctor fails to treat an illness that is treatable.

Role of a Family Caregiver

While 78% would rely on a physician for recommendations, caregivers ultimately make their own decisions on long-term care providers. Websites are generally considered highly credible by caregivers, and are important sources of information for engaged caregivers on sources for long-term care. (Source:
Fills visit dead space.
Exposes the hidden agenda.
Respects the parent’s opinion.
Gives me alternative ideas.
Clinical interview questions
Planning a medical scheme

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Online Doctor
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My experience at Doctor365 was exceptional. The staff were friendly, and Doctor provided attentive care, addressing all my concerns efficiently. Their flexible hours and easy online booking made the visit incredibly convenient. Highly recommend for top-notch healthcare service. Thank you 

Selena Gollet
Selena Gollet